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Price from: $14
Deadline from: 8 hours
Free revisions: unlimited
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  • Usability: star star star star star
Rating: 7.5

General Information

If you lack the time to complete your homework assignments or are struggling to come up with a good topic, online writing services might just be the perfect solution. However, the market is flooded with companies that claim to have a team of expert writers who are capable of handling any task. So how are you supposed to know which ones are actually able to help? Our reviews are the key. We take a look at all of the leading companies so that you can make informed decisions once you take the next step and order a paper.

For this review, we are evaluating Our first impression when we looked at their website was, “Uh oh.” With clearly non-native English sentences like “Only here you are able to choose the most preferable freelance academic writer to prepare your essay,” we think a lot of potential customers would wonder if their papers will be as bad as the content on the website. In addition, they call themselves “A brand new kind of writing service” which is impossible considering they’ve been around since 2007. But all of this aside, will their writers amaze you with their talents and creativity? Read and find out!

Usability website scores high in the usability department. The website is easy to navigate, the color schemes are pleasing and they have separate pages dedicated to describing their services, their prices, and their writers.

Guarantees provides the standard guarantees such as papers that are free of plagiarism and on-time delivery. If they fail to meet these guarantees, the customer is entitled to a full refund. 


According to the website, offers a wide variety of services including essay writing, term papers, PowerPoint presentations, thesis and dissertation writing, book reviews, case studies, and much more. They can also proofread and edit your papers. We found out that their writers can work on two entirely different topics which looked like some kind of fraud. The company states that their customers are able to see the writers’ rating, other customer’s feedback on the writers’ work. But this seems to be only half true though. Services

Order Process

This is another one of those companies that operates on a bidding system, and based on our experiences in the past, it left us feeling a bit wary. The main problem is that all of the writers are encouraged to place bids irrespective of their actual qualifications. So if you have a history paper, you will receive a bid from somebody who claims to be an expert in business administration. That does not make a whole lot of sense, especially when other companies handpick the most qualified writer to complete their customers’ assignments. Order

We ordered a 5 page paper about American cinema in the 1940s. The deadline was 10 days. We received 12 bids from writers who claimed to have background in this area. But some of them merely made general statements about understanding the requirements of our order. Some of the bids were ridiculously high, although most were around the same price range of $120. We chose a bidder with the most experience and expertise in our topic area. The final product was delivered by the deadline and it was free of plagiarism. As to the paper quality, it contained some really odd grammar mistakes and word choices.

Payment/Special Offers

Since they use the bidding system, the price calculator cannot provide you with anything more than a rough estimate of the price. We were told that the average price per page would be roughly $24, which was true in our case. This is not the company to use if you are a budget conscious student, that is for sure. We have found perfectly serviceable companies for around $15/page. Price

They do not have a discount program nor do they offer and special discounts.

Free Extras has a free blog and plagiarism checker. We could not find any other free features, although they do charge for things like progressive delivery and the option to be placed on their bidding list as a priority customer. You can also pay to have the company choose a writer for you ($9.99), which does not seem like a very good deal to us. 


We cannot recommend Yes, it does appear that their papers are provided on time and there are no issues with plagiarism. But you would be taking a big risk by ordering services from them, especially when you cannot be entirely certain where they get their writers. The bidding system is not everybody’s cup of tea either. We prefer the ability to know exactly how much we will pay even before placing an order. Ultimately it is up to you to decide if you want to roll the dice with, but we believe you will have better luck by choosing another company.